Tollywood Veteran Filmmaker Asian Suniel‘s Daughter Jhanvi Narang is making her debut as a Producer. She has been supervising the production of the films in their films so far and she has taken a plung directly now. She is known to be very sharp in the industry circles.
Interestingly, Rana Daggubati is presenting the film. The maiden production is titled Premante and stars Priyadarshi in the lead role. The movie will feature popular anchor Suma Kanakala in a prominent role while Anandi plays the leading lady role.
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Sandeep Reddy Vanga attended the Pooja ceremony and switched on the camera while Rana Daggubati gave the first clap. Navneeth Sriram will be making his directorial debut with the film.
A highly talented technical team is working for the film. The movie will start shooting soon.
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